An outing at Nespresso for Business Management students|LaSalle College Montréal
A theoretical outing for students

Marketing over a cup of coffee

Sortie des étudiants en Gestion de commerces au Nespresso
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August 22, 2017

As part of their Marketing course, students in the Business Management program (DEC and AEC) went on an outing at the elegant Nespresso Boutique-Bar on Crescent Street.

Arriving unannounced, they were greeted by the manager of this famous Swiss coffee chain. The students were treated to a taste of the chain's new product, a frappé coffee made using the Japanese method.

The students were able to use the knowledge they acquired from theoretical courses to analyze and concretize the meaning of a marketing concept during this visit.

Topics, discussed by the students, included:

  • The products and their ranges;
  • The product packaging;
  • Product distribution;
  • Adaptions required for the North American market;
  • Customer segmentation;
  • Marketing communications (design, color, etc.).

This establishment has recently subscribed to the new eco-marketing approach. They now recycle used Nespresso pods, as well as coffee grounds.

In addition to marketing, students discussed concepts related to organization and operations. The students were then able to dissect these points in their Management course.

The students' interest in this business was palpable. Furthermore, outings in the field bring a whole new meaning to theoretical classroom lessons and help anchor them in the real world.

The verdict? It was an experience that must be repeated! Students were able to assimilate their knowledge, and they did so over a good cup of coffee.

Discover the three-year Business Management program (DEC) and Business management program (AEC)! Through activities and a close collaboration with several industries, the students receive a practical training, allowing them to gain quick access to the job market.

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