Another Great Success for LaSalle Bootcamp 2016

Another Great Success for LaSalle Bootcamp 2016

December 15, 2016

The LaSalle Bootcamp 2016 event, which took place from November 25 to 27, was a huge success. Nearly one hundred young, budding entrepreneurs registered to participate in this entrepreneurial event and a dozen business projects were presented. The winning team won a $1,000 scholarship. Their business called “NoTrakas” is a home-based service company for the retired and elderly community, a booming market in Quebec!

The winning team earning the $1,000 scholarship for the NoTrakas project was made up of Windy layoussaint (management), Camille Breigeat (management), Selly Niang (fashion), Zulima Machado Rojo (management) and Vincent Nantel (management).

Bootcamp is a kind of playground where student entrepreneurs practice to create a winning business project. Over an intensive, three-day weekend, they manage to create a simplified business plan of surprising quality. This was made possible thanks to the involvement of some twenty experienced business, management and marketing teachers who acted as coaches and provided expert advice to young entrepreneurs. This year, the Coach's gold cap was awarded to Maureen Scallion, a wonderful marketing teacher who has been working at LaSalle Montreal for 34 years and who will soon retire.

For the first time, Bootcamp was open to all the students of the College, giving students the opportunity to collaborate with students from different departments and programs, and form a team to woringly used in business startups called the “Lean Start-Up”. This was accompanied by a powerful tool named Canvas. The skills and abilities acquired in this event are completely transferable, specifically in the final projects. Some 50 professors were trained using this new approach for business startups this fall.


The team who won “Public’s choice” for the Baked Goods project included Guillaume Bougie (management), Camille Samson (management), Quentin Cor (management), Adam Laflamme (management) et Simon Trépanier-Deschenes (management).

 For more information, contact Fernand Campbell, MBA, PEC Coordinator and teacher of Management at the International School of Management and Technology (EIGT), or visit the Creative Entrepreneur Program (CEP) website or LaSalle College Facebook page for original photos and videos of the event.

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